Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top Ten Debuts I'm looking forward to in 2014

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Since I have started blogging, I've seen a lot of bloggers reading ARCs and their reviews have gotten me excited for their release! So I listed the top 10 debuts I am looking forward to getting my hands on!

Cruel Beauty
Why I will be reading it:Aside from the fact that this is one of the most gorgeous covers I've ever laid eyes on, the story looks great. I've seen some mixed reviews but I am definitely going to give it a try!

Fates (Fates, #1)
The synopsis is quite different and I am intrigued!
Why I will be reading it:  In this book, we are able to see from the point of view of the antagonist. How cool is that?! I always like to see how the same story can be told in many different ways! 

Alienated (Alienated, #1)

 Epic fantasy in a jungle? Sign me up!

Prisoner of Night and Fog (Prisoner of Night and Fog, #1)

Why I will be reading it: I have read a one historical fiction novel and I loved it. I would love to read more! Along with this catchy title comes a fascinating story that takes place in 1930's Munich.
Love Letters to the Dead

Why I will be reading it: This book looks like it will be soul shredding and beautiful. Am I ready for that? Probably not but I will still be picking this one up!
Why I will be reading it: "Alex is one soul with fifty-six past lives, fifty-six histories." 
Why I will be reading it: For fans of the Uglies series...While I am not the number one fan of the Uglies series, I did enjoy it very much and I haven't read dystopia in too long!

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